La Silla Paranal Period 114 Time Allocation

Published: 08 Jul 2024

The 114th Observing Programmes Committee (OPC) met during May 2024. Based on the committee's recommendations to the ESO Director General, a total of 8148 hours of (Designated) Visitor Mode and Service Mode observations were allocated on the VLT/VLTI, the 3.6-metre, and NTT telescopes. The schedule timeline and the list of scheduled runs is publicly available.

On the VLT, the balance between Visitor and Service Mode in Period 114 was about 15/85, excluding filler programmes. Large Programmes on the VLT occupy about 11% of the allocation. The Guaranteed Time Observations and Large Programmes on the 3.6m amount to 61.5%.

The outcome of the time allocation was communicated to the Principal Investigators of proposals submitted for Period 114 on Thursday 4 July, 2024 and can be accessed directly in the P1 tool. The new interface allows users to give feedback on the quality of received comments from the expert panels or Distributed Peer Reviewers.