Deadline Approaching for the ESO Workshop "A Decade of Discoveries with MUSE and Beyond"

Published: 04 Jul 2024

Going well beyond the 10th anniversary of MUSE, this workshop is a very timely opportunity to reflect on the many successes and challenges such an instrument triggered and to further shape a community-wide science perspective and effort, supported by integral-field spectroscopy. Please be reminded that the deadline for the abstract submission for the MUSE24 workshop is Monday, 15th July.

The aim of this worshop is to:

  • Show-case a decade of groundbreaking scientific results, serving the ESO community at large;
  • Bring the broad MUSE user community together to share their insights pertaining to the numerous challenges of MUSE data handling and analysis across a wide variety of scientific topics. A particular focus will be put on notoriously difficult aspects such as background subtraction, extraction of spectra in crowded fields, low surface brightness regime, LSF and PSF measurement and homogenization, astrometry or mosaicking;
  • Reflect on the paradigm shift MUSE has triggered in the astronomical community on scientific, instrumental, and operational aspects;  
  • Highlight and address existing and upcoming synergies with other major facilities such as ALMA and JWST and e.g., soon the ELT;
  • Discuss the current challenges and prospects for science supported by integral-field spectroscopy, building on the MUSE experience.

In addition to talks and discussions, ESO is also planning a "MUSE Data Challenge". In that context, MUSE users are encouraged to share their expertise on challenges pertaining to sky subtraction and flat fielding problems, ideally providing their best solutions on a sample data set provided.

Important dates:

  • Deadline for abstract submission: 15 July 2024
  • Deadline for registration and fee payment: 30 September 2024
  • Workshop: 18 - 22 November 2024

Invited Speakers:

  • Adélaïde Claeyssens - Stockholm Univ (Sweden)
  • Katja Fahrion - ESTEC, Noordwijk (The Netherlands)
  • Deanne Fisher - CAS Swinburne, Melbourne (Australia)
  • Chris Martin - CalTech (USA) - TBC
  • Michele Fumagali - University of Milano (Italy) 
  • Sebastian Kamann - LJMU, Liverpool (UK)
  • Kathryn Kreckel - ARI/ZAH, Heidelberg (Germany)
  • Megan Reiter - Rice University, Houston (USA)
  • Johan Richard - CRAL, Lyon (France)
  • Eva Schinnerer - MPIA, Heidelberg (Germany)
  • Hannah Uebler - IoA, Cambridge (UK)
  • Jesse van de Sande - University of Sydney (Australia)
  • Peter Weilbacher - AIP, Potsdam (Germany)
  • Lutz Wisotski - AIP, Potsdam (Germany)

More information about the workshop as well as the registration form can be found at the conference pages. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the MUSE24 Science Organising Committee.

ESO is looking forward to meeting you in Garching in November!