class | AgnosticDataSamples |
| Container of DDS samples and associated sample information. More...
class | BusinessLogic |
| Implements the Telemetry Subscriber business logic. More...
class | Correlator |
| Implements a correlator. More...
class | CorrelatorIf |
| Interface for correlator implemementations that takes new data samples from DDS and performs correlation on them. More...
struct | CorrelatorParams |
| Placeholder for correlator parameters. More...
struct | DataSamplesView |
| A set of correlated agnostic non-owning data samples references. More...
struct | DataSampleView |
| Agnostic data sample non-owning reference type. More...
struct | DdsParams |
| Parameter set to be passed to classes deriving from DdsWaitSetIf. More...
class | DdsReaderListener |
| Listener class for different DDS events. More...
class | DdsWaitSet |
| Implements DDS communication using FastDDS. More...
class | DdsWaitSetIf |
| Base class abstracting DDS communication code. More...
class | FakeDdsSubscriber |
| Fake DDS subscriber. More...
class | OperationalLogic |
| Implements the behaviour for Operational state. More...
struct | OperationalLogicFactoryParams |
| Set of all parameters needed when constructing the OperationalLogic object. More...
class | OperationalLogicIf |
| Interface to the operational logic implementation. More...
struct | OperationalParams |
| Configuration parameters needed for operational logic. More...
class | SeqLoanerIf |
| Loaner interface. More...
struct | ShmParams |
| Shared memory configuration parameters. More...
class | ShmPublisher |
class | ShmPublisherIf |
| Simple interface to class that owns the shared memory queue. More...