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La Silla time-lapse NTT

This 720 x 720 pixel time-lapse sequence shows a fish-eye (fulldome) view within the enclosure of the New Technology Telescope (NTT) at ESO's La Silla Observatory in Chile. For most of the sequence the Moon lights of the sky and the inside of the enclosure but at the end of the sequence the Moon sets and the Milky Way can be seen.

This sequence is available in 1080p and stereoscopic 3D from José 
Francisco Salgado (

Please note that the "Fulldome 2k Master" format can only be downloaded at a resolution of 720x720 pixels.


ESO/José Francisco Salgado (

About the Video

Release date:12 January 2012, 18:51
Duration:35 s
Frame rate:30 fps

About the Object


Fulldome Preview