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Zooming in on a neutron star in the Small Magellanic Cloud

This zoom sequence starts with a broad view of the southern skies and then dives towards the Small Magellanic Cloud, a small neighbouring galaxy to the Milky Way. Here we find a rich landscape of stars and glowing gas, including the filamentary remains of a supernova explosion seen about 2000 years ago. New observations from ESO's Very Large Telescopes, along with other telescopes in space, have revealed a stellar corpse, a neutron star, hidden in this region.


ESO, NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), N. Risinger (, DSS. Music: Astral Electronic

About the Video

Release date:5 April 2018, 17:00
Related releases:eso1810
Duration:50 s
Frame rate:30 fps

About the Object

Type:Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : Neutron Star

Ultra HD (info)



Video Podcast
12.1 MB

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