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Flying around the young star T Cha (artist's impression)

This video takes us on a fly-through of the disc around the young star T Cha. Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope this disc has been found to be in two parts, a narrow ring close to the star and the remainder of the disc material much further out. A companion object has been detected in the gap in the disc that may be either a large planet or a dusty brown dwarf.


ESO/L. Calçada.

About the Video

Release date:24 February 2011, 12:00
Related releases:eso1106
Duration:46 s
Frame rate:30 fps

About the Object

Name:T Cha



Large QT
8.9 MB


Video Podcast
6.8 MB
Medium MPEG-1
14.3 MB
Medium Flash
7.7 MB


Small Flash
2.6 MB
Small QT
2.4 MB

For Broadcasters