Claus Madsen interviewed by Spanish press

ESO Council meeting 2007

Jan Palouš with ESO delegation at ESO Information Day

Philippe Busquin addressing the press at the EIROforum information stand

Press at EIROforum Charter signing

Claus Madsen guiding Danish industrialists through ESO HQ laboratories

Claus Madsen guiding Danish industrialists through ESO HQ laboratories

Danish Minister for Education, Mr. Bertel Haarder, at ESO's Vitacura office

Claus Madsen and Evert Meurs at the ESO information stand at Dublin City University

Mark Casali presenting the ELT and ESO at Trinity College, Dublin

Presenting EIROforum science policy paper "Towards a Europe of Knowledge and Innovation"

EIROforum press conference

EIROforum information stand

Alistair McPherson presenting the ELT in Haifa, Israel

ESO EIROforum press conference on exoplanet research

Bruno Leibundgut speaking at ESO EIROforum press conference

Claus Madsen speaking at ESO Information Day

Bavarian members of the European Parliament visiting ESO Headquarters