Cover of Science in School issue No.40

Nebulae on the borders of the constellations of Sagittarius and Serpens

Cover of the Annual Report 2016

The location of the Small Magellanic Cloud in the constellation of Tucana

Location of the faint red star LHS 1140 in the constellation of Cetus (The Sea Monster)

The edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 1055 in the constellation of Cetus (The Sea Monster)

The star formation regions NGC 6334 and NGC 6357 in the constellation of Scorpius

The location of the star cluster Terzan 5

Proxima Centauri in the southern constellation of Centaurus

The star cluster Messier 18 in the constellation of Sagittarius

AR Scorpii in the constellation of Scorpius

The star V883 Orionis in the constellation of Orion

The triple star HD 131399 in the constellation of Centaurus (The Centaur)

LHA 120-N55 in the constellation of Dorado

The ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 in the constellation of Aquarius

The location of the Fornax Galaxy Cluster

Cover picture of CAP Journal issue 19

Quadrature - Satelliten - Australia

Quadrature - Satelliten - the machine

The aging double star IRAS 08544-4431 in the constellation of Vela (the sails)

The star formation region RCW 106 in the constellation of Norma

#MeetESO, ESO’s first social media gathering in Chile

The location of the reflection nebula IC 2631 in the constellation of Chameleon

The Rho Ophiuchi star formation region in the constellation of Ophiuchus

The dwarf galaxy IC 1613 in the constellation of Cetus

The interacting galaxy NGC 5291 in the constellation of Centaurus

The red hypergiant star VY Canis Majoris

The Coalsack Nebula in the constellation of Crux

The star AU Mic in the constellation of Microscopium

Location of the Sculptor dwarf galaxy

The cover of the 2016 ESO Calendar

The star cluster IC 4651 in the constellation of Ara

The location of the planetary nebula ESO 378-1

The location of Nova Centauri 2013

The star HIP 11915 in the constellation of Cetus

Cover of Science in School 32 — Summer 2015

Cover of CAPjournal issue 17

Messier 87 in the Constellation of Virgo

The star L2 Puppis in the constellation of Puppis

Image still from the planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe"