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Postcards from the Edge of the Universe book available for free

7 September 2010

Today at an event at JENAM 2010, the European Astronomical Society’ Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting, the book Postcards from the Edge of the Universe was launched.

From sunspots to black holes, planets around other stars, supernovae and dark matter, Postcards from the Edge of the Universe unveils the mysteries of today’s research, looking at cutting-edge astronomy from around the world. Twenty-four frontline astronomers from all corners of the globe explain their science in accessible language in articles edited by veteran communicators Lee Pullen, Mariana Barrosa and Lars Lindberg Christensen.

This book is based on the science carried out by a hand-picked selection of the best bloggers from the Cosmic Diary (, one of the twelve Cornerstone projects of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. The contributions have been compiled into an edited anthology that gives a unique snapshot of contemporary astronomy. The four-page popular-science articles all have a personal flavour, as each contributor has selected their own favourite astronomical topic, giving the reader a personal insight into work on the frontline of astronomy.

On the web site of the book,, you can send an electronic postcard from space and send it for free to your family and friends — the only postal service that makes light speed deliveries.

Postcards from the Edge of the Universe was produced in a collaboration between ESO, the International Astronomical Union and the International Year of Astronomy 2009.

Postcards from the Edge of the Universe is available as an electronic book for free download from this link and can be ordered in hardcopy form from ESO’s shop.

Bonafide members of the press can request review hardcopies of the book from



Mariana Barrosa
Munich, Germany

Lars Lindberg Christensen
Garching, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6761
Cell: +49 173 3872 621

About the Announcement



Postcards from the Edge of the Universe book
Postcards from the Edge of the Universe book
The launch of the Postcards From the Edge of the Universe book at JENAM 2010
The launch of the Postcards From the Edge of the Universe book at JENAM 2010