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Comunicato Stampa

The VLT Observes Comet LINEAR's "Shower"

08 Agosto 2000

In a textbook example of useful collaboration between ground- and space-based astronomical telescopes, the ESO Very Large Telescope has imaged the "shower" of "mini-comets" in Comet LINEAR, first seen by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) a few days ago [1].

The disintegration and subsequent disappearance of the "dirty snowball" nucleus of Comet LINEAR (C/1999 S4), first observed at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (La Palma, Canary Islands) by Mark Kidger and his colleagues, was originally thought to be complete.

However, observations by the HST on August 5 showed that this was not really the case - a swarm of extremely faint mini-comets was detected near the place where the nucleus would have been. Although this is reminiscent of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's break-up near Jupiter in 1992, the remaining pieces of Comet LINEAR's nucleus are much smaller and, presumably, much more short-lived. In fact, an event like this has never been observed in this detail before.

The VLT observations

In order to take full advantage of this unique opportunity to study the disintegration of a cometary nucleus, American astronomer Hal Weaver (Johns Hopkins University) who was responsible for the HST observations, together with colleagues in several countries [2], urgently asked for "Target-of-Opportunity" observations of the comet with the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at Paranal (Chile).

The proposal was successful and three short exposures were made by the ESO staff astronomers at Paranal in the early evening of August 6 with the FORS-1 multi-mode instrument. More than a dozen condensations are seen in Comet LINEAR, as "mini-comets" with tails. At the centre of each of them is a piece of the disintegrating cometary nucleus, perhaps some tens of metres across.

A comparison with the available HST images demonstrates the very dynamical state of this ensemble. The configuration has changed significantly in the course of only 24 hours and some condensations have apparently disappeared completely, while others seem to have appeared in the meantime.

More observations to come

The continued study of the behaviour (motion, brightness changes) of these objects will provide a most unique insight into the structure and composition (dust and ices) of a cometary nucleus. As the pieces of the original nucleus loose dust and gas, they will fade and disappear from view, possibly disintegrate completely. Additional observations with the HST and the VLT are therefore being planned while they are still bright enough to be observed.


[1] Read about these observations here.

[2] The team consists of Harold Weaver (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA), Michael A'Hearn (University of Maryland, Greenbelt, USA), Laurent Jorda Max-Planck-Insitut für Aeronomie, Lindau, Germany), Philippe Lamy (Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale, Marseilles, France), Carey Lisse (Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA), Imre Toth (Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary) Olivier Hainaut , Cathy Delahodde (both ESO Chile), and Richard West (ESO Garching).

Ulteriori Informazioni

Addendum on August 11, 2000: A comparison of the VLT image obtained on August 6 and shown here as ESO Press Photo eso0026 and a new one with the same telescope and instrument from August 9 reveals a very significant drop in the activity levels of the fragments over this 3-day period. See also the webpage with recent observations at ESO.

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Sul Comunicato Stampa

Comunicato Stampa N":eso0026
Legacy ID:Photo 20/00
Nome:C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)
Tipo: Solar System
Solar System : Interplanetary Body : Comet
Facility:Very Large Telescope


Break-up of comet Linear
Break-up of comet Linear