All around the VLT

An 360 degree panorama of the VLT in operation at ESO's Paranal Observatory. Visible are the Unit and Auxiliary Telescopes that make up the VLT, underneath the exquiste dark Chilean skies that brought ESO to the remote observatory. The bright yellow lines shining up into the sky are lasers used by the telescope's adaptive optics system to compensate for the blurring effects of Earth's atmosphere.

Enjoy also our exciting Virtual Tours.


M. Cabral/ESO

Riguardo l'immagine

Data di rilascio:Lunedì 05 Agosto 2019 16:38
Grandezza:25876 x 12938 px
Field of View:360° x 180°

Riguardo all'oggetto

Nome:Very Large Telescope
Tipo:Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Facility
Categoria:360 Panorama

Formati delle immagini

JPEG grande
73,2 MB
