Soaring above a Supernova

A close up aerial photograph of the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre, captured by an ultralight plane as it soared above ESO Headquarters in Garching, Germany.

The photograph highlights the building’s unique design, which resembles the form of a binary star system transferring mass from one component to the other, which will lead to a supernova.


ESO/Ernst A. Graf

Riguardo l'immagine

Data di rilascio:Giovedì 15 Ottobre 2015 10:59
Grandezza:3396 x 2415 px

Riguardo all'oggetto

Nome:ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre
Tipo:Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Facility
Categoria:ESO Supernova

Formati delle immagini

JPEG grande
2,7 MB
