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Comet Hale-Bopp Observing Programmes (1996)

The '1st Hale-Bopp Meeting of European Observers' was held at the ESO Headquarters in Garching (Germany) on February 29, 1996. The participants were D. Bockelee-Morvan (Observatoire de Meudon, France), H. Boehnhardt (University of Munich, Germany), T. Bonev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria), K. Jockers (MPI for Aeronomy, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany), H.-U. Kaeufl (ESO Garching), M. Kidger (Instituto de Astronomia, Tenerife, Spain), S. Peschke (MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany), H. Rauer (Observatoire de Meudon, France), H. Rickman (Uppsala University, Sweden), J. Solc (University of Prague, Czechia), R. Schulz (MPI for Aeronomy, Germany), N. Thomas (MPI for Aeronomy, Germany), G.P. Tozzi (Osservatorio di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy) and R. West (ESO Garching).

The meeting served to discuss the planned observations of this comet in 1996. As one result, a list of approved and proposed Hale-Bopp observing programmes by European astronomers was compiled. It is reproduced below. Kindly note that it may not (yet) be complete, nor entirely free of errors.

For more information, please contact Hermann Boehnhardt or Richard West.

Date Site Telescope Instrument Wavelength Type Status PI/Contact
synoptic Nancay 200x35m radio OH 18 cm spectr. appr. Bockelee-Morvan
synoptic Calar Alto 0.8m Schmidt Plates visual imag. prop. Birkle
synoptic ESO 1.2mSchmidt Plates visual imag. prop. West
synoptic Wendelstein 0.8m CCD+spectr. visual imag.+spectr. appr. Boehnhardt
synoptic Ondrejov 0.65m Photom. visual photom. appr. Solc
synoptic Tenerife 0.6m CCD camera visual imag. appr. Kidger
synoptic Klet Camera+0.6m CCD+Photom. visual imag.+photom. appr. Tichy
synoptic Tereskol 2.0m visual spectr., imag. appr. Jockers
18-20/3/96 ESO NTT SUSI/EMMI visual imag. appr. West
21-25/3/96 Ondrejov 2.0m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Solc
23/3/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 3.6-160 micron photom. appr. Gruen
23-27/4/96 Ondrejov 2.0m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Solc
23-25/4/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Boehnhardt
25-27/4/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Rauer
25/4/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 3.6-160 micron photom. appr. Gruen
25/4/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 2.5-12 micron spectr. appr Crovisier
??/4/96 Tenerife 1.5m Nicmos 1-2.5 micron imag. appr. Kidger
??/4/96 Tenerife 2.5m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Kidger
11-14/5/96 ESO 2.2m EFOSC2 visual spectr., imag. appr. Boehnhardt
12/5/96 ESO 3.6m ADONIS 1-5micron imag. appr. West
20-31/5/96 ESO 3.6m TIMMI 8-13micron imag. ToO Kaeufl
28-31/5/96 Haute Provence 1.9m Carelec visual spectr. appr. Rauer
13-19/6/96 Pic du Midi 2.0 m ISARD visual imag. appr. Jorda
17-19/6/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Boehnhardt
24-26/6/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Rauer
25-26/6/95 ESO NTT IRSEPC 3.4 micron spectr. appr. Bockelee-Morvan
??/6/96 Mauna Kea JCMT radio sub-mm spectr. appr. Bockelee-Morvan
??/6/96 Tenerife 2.5m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Kidger
??/7/96 ESO 2.2m EFOSC2 visual spectr., imag. prop. Gruen
??/7/96 Mauna Kea JCMT radio sub-mm spectr. appr. Bockelee-Morvan
??/7/96 Tenerife 1.5m Nicmos 1-2.5 micron imag. appr. Kidger
??/7-??/12/96 Roshen 2.2m visual spectr., imag. prop. Bonev
17/8/96 ESO 3.6m ADONIS 1-5micron imag. appr. West
17-19/8/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. West
19-20/8/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Boehnhardt
20-22/8/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Thomas
22-24/8/96 ESO 1.5mDanish DFOSC visual spectr., imag. appr. Rauer
30/8-3/9/96 Ondrejov 2.0m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Solc
??/8/98 La Palma NOT Nicmos 1-2.5 micron imag. appr. Tozzi
1/9/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 3.6-160 micron photom. appr. Gruen
1/9/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 2.5-12 micron spectr. appr. Crovisier
9-13/9/96 ESO 2.2m EFOSC2 visual spectr., imag. appr. Schulz
13-17/9/96 ESO 2.2m EFOSC2 visual spectr., imag. appr. Boehnhardt
15-30/9/96 Earth orbit ISO ISOCAM 3.3-15 micron imag. appr. Lamy
??/9/98 La Palma NOT Nicmos 1-2.5 micron imag. appr. Tozzi
??/9/98 La Palma ??? spectr. visual spectr. appr. Kidger
4-8/10/96 Ondrejov 2.0m spectr. visual spectr. appr. Solc
6/10/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 3.6-160 micron photometry appr. Gruen
6/10/96 Earth orbit ISO PHOT 2.5-12 micron spectr. appr. Crovisier
1/9/96 Earth orbit ISO LSW,SWS IR spectr. appr. Crovisier
??/12/96 ??? Vat.Tel. Nicmos 1-2.5 micron imag. appr. Tozzi
TBD Earth orbit IUE LW,SW UV spectr. prop. Festou
TBD Pico Veleta IRAM radio CO spectr. prop. Festou
TBD Pico Veleta IRAM radio mm spectr. prop. Crovisier
TBD ESO SEST ??? CO spectr. prop. Rickman
TBD Calar Alto TBD TBD TBD ima.+spectr. ToO Birkle
TBD Italy ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Tozzi

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