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Comet Hale-Bopp Images by Peter Stättmayer (March 12, 1997)

The following series of images was obtained by Peter Stättmayer (Director of the Munich Public Observatory) from a partner-observatory in Koenigsleiten (Salzburger Land, Austria) at an altitude 1600 metres.. 

These images are © Peter Stättmayer and may be reporduced if the author is mentioned.

Image no. 1a (March 12, 1997) [JPEG; 27k]

Comet Hale-Bopp on 12.3.1997 at about 3:45 MET; 1:1.4/50 mm; 20 seconds on Kodak Pro Gold 400 emulsion.

Image no. 1b (March 12, 1997) [JPEG; 200k]

Same, but in high-resolution version.

Image no. 2a (March 12, 1997) [JPEG; 58k]

Comet Hale-Bopp on 12.3.1997 at about 4:30 MET; 1:2.8/180 mm; 12 min on Kodak Pro Gold 400 emulsion.

Image no. 2b (March 12, 1997) [JPEG; 376k]

Same, but in high-resolution version.

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