Künstlerische Darstellung des E-ELT-Hauptspiegelmodells

Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2011 (CAP 2011)

ALMA Chajnantor plateau model 04

PicSat the CubeSat

Cartel con las charlas D-Mentes del Festival Internacional de Innovación Social 2017

Illustration of the hotel at La Silla

Künstlerische Darstellung der erwarteten Verteilung der Dunklen Materie um die Milchstraße (beschriftet)

NGC 1365 in the constellation of Fornax

Constraining the cosmological parameters

Imagen promocional visita virtual al Observatorio Paranal

Banner (in Spanish) for the Total Solar Eclipse 2019

Average July afternoon fractional cloudiness data

PDF-Tracker für die ALMA-App für erweiterte Realität im Einsatz

Poster zum Photo Nightscape Award

ALMA Antennas (artist's impression)

ESO 3.6-metre telescope design drawings

Science in School issue 21

Science in School issue 20

Science in School issue 19

Science in School issue 18

Science in School issue 17

Front cover of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Final Report Executive Summary

Science in School issue 16