Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (ACM 96)
Palais des Congres, near Chateau de Versailles, July 8-12, 1996.
Second Announcement (extract)
We are pleased to invite you to attend the sixth international Conference on Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, ACM 96, which will be held in Versailles, France, some 20 km west of Paris, from Monday 8 July to Friday 12 July 1996. The conference will take place at the Palais des Congres, near the Chateau de Versailles, for the plenary sessions (Monday all day and Friday afternoon), and on the campus of the new University of Versailles, one kilometer north-west of the city center for the parallel sessions (Tuesday and Thursday all day, Wednesday and Friday mornings). The meeting is being organized jointly by the University of Versailles - Saint Quentin, the Service d'Aeronomie (IPSL/CNRS), the Observatoire de Paris and the European Space Agency ESA. It will be held under the auspices of CNRS, MEN, CNES, COSPAR, EGS, NASA, and other national and international institutions.
This conference will be the sixth of the international ACM series, after the three meetings in Uppsala, the one in Flagstaff and the last in Belgirate. It will include all aspects of studies on asteroids, comets, meteors and their interrelations (including observations, origin, evolution, discoveries, astrometry, dynamic behaviour, structure, composition, laboratory studies, classifications, data bases...). Special emphasis will be given to science through space missions (Rosetta, ISO, COBE, NEAR) and to impact on planets and their atmospheres.
Click here for the full information directly from the organisers.