
ESO releases The Messenger No. 140

30 juni 2010

ESO has just published issue 140 of its quarterly journal, The Messenger. This issue features a range of articles including:
  • A roundup of proposed instruments for the planned E-ELT;
  • An in-depth look at the FORS instruments on the VLT on the occasion of their double 10th anniversary;
  • Updates on new advances in adaptive optics;
  • How astronomers are using the CRIRES spectrograph on the VLT to search for exoplanets orbiting very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs; and
  • Wolf-Rayet stars and the search for the origins of gamma ray bursts.

The issue also details how ESO staff in Chile helped with humanitarian aid in the aftermath of February’s earthquake.



Interactive view: click on the arrows to flip the pages, or on the cover image to view it in fullscreen size

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Cover of The Messenger No. 140
Cover of The Messenger No. 140