From Dream to Discovery - Education Modules

Supplementary Materials developed in conjunction with the fulldome show, From Dream to Discovery: Inside NASA.

The material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

While designed to accompany the fulldome show From Dream to Discovery: Inside NASA, these resources can be used independently of the show to explore engineering themes in more depth, and can be adapted for use in any Planetarium program.

These materials are freely available for educational use and were produced by the Charles Hayden Planetarium, Museum of Science in Boston.

For questions about this content, please contact

These materials are based upon work supported by NASA under grant number NNX12AL19G.  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the Museum of Science, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Due to the large file size please use a download manager. Note the download advice here.


Design a Mission

This downloadable bundle includes a series of visual sequences that can be used by a live Planetarium presenter and provides an opportunity to interact with visitors or students while exploring some of the basic steps in the engineering design process. Audiences or students will take an active role in selecting a mission and making spacecraft design choices and later learn whether their mission choices led to failure or success. A web-based version of the activity is available for teachers to use with their students.

  • Audio:
    This activity has no prerecorded narration or music, so audio is for sound effects only. Also note that not all clips have audio (only five of the thirteen clips contain audio).
  • Frames:
    Each clip represents one choice or branch of the interactive activity. Depending on audience choices, each run of the activity will show different clips.
  • Guides:
    Planetarian Handbook containing detailed instructions and background information for facilitators or educators running the Design a Mission activity.

Teacher bundle includes:

  • Educator Guide (pdf)

  • Video User Guide (pdf)

  • Video with captions

Gravity and Space Travel

This series of short (1-3 minute) clips for fulldome theaters or classrooms examines the use of gravity assists in space travel, and introduces audiences to the concepts of momentum and energy conservation. This module includes recorded narration and music but is designed to be flexible so that planetarians or teachers can opt to present portions of this content live, rather than using the full prerecorded clips.

  • Audio:
    Stereo and 5.1 surround mono wav tracks for each of the five segments of the "Gravity and Space Travel" module.
  • Frames:
    Each segment ranges from approximately 1-2 minutes, and may be played either with breaks in-between to accommodate live interaction or as one continuous sequence.
  • Guides
    Planetarian Handbook containing detailed instructions and background information for facilitators or educators running the "Gravity and Space Travel" videos.

Teacher bundle includes:

  • Educator Guide (pdf)

  • Video User Guide (pdf)

  • Videos with captions (5)

The Gravity Assist script can be found here.

Fixing the Hubble Space Telescope

This 8-minute video for fulldome theaters or classrooms explores the challenges and engineering behind the Hubble repair. It includes recorded narration and music and features the voice of astronaut Jeff Hoffman, one of the astronauts on Hubble’s Servicing Mission 1 in 1993.

  • Audio:
    Stereo and 5.1 surround mono wav tracks for the "Fixing the Hubble Space Telescope" module.
  • Frames:
    Hubble png domemasters at 4K (4096x4096) resolution.
  • Guides
    Planetarian Handbook containing detailed instructions and background information for facilitators or educators running the "Fixing the Hubble Space Telescope" fulldome video.

Teacher bundle includes:

  • Educator Guide (pdf)

  • Video User Guide (pdf)

  • Video with captions

The Hubble script can be found here.


Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives.


The Charles Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Science, Boston, hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to exhibit these materials publicly and privately at your facility for perpetuity.

These materials are provided "as is" and without any warranty or condition, whether express, implied or statutory.  In no event will the Museum of Science be liable for any lost profits or other consequential, incidental or special damages (however arising, including negligence) in connection with the use of these materials.

By using these materials I acknowledge that the Museum of Science, Boston, owns the copyright to the script, soundtrack, and all frames, files, and file sequences related to this content and retains all exclusive rights to the materials.  I agree to display the provided credits after each public performance or exhibition.

I also agree not to sell, lease, loan, sub-license, or otherwise redistribute any of these materials in their entirety or in part without the express written permission of the Museum of Science, Boston.


Charles Hayden Planetarium, Museum of Science, Boston


Sobre el vídeo

Fecha de publicación:12 de Marzo de 2016 a las 15:28
Duración:51 m 16 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Sobre el objeto


Cúpula completa

Fulldome Preview


1,1 MB

Broadcast Audio