ESOshop: 42 of the biggest asteroids in our Solar System

No need to worry if your garden or house is not big enough to fit all 940 km of Ceres. We won't be delivering you big rocks, but instead, the sharpest images ever taken of 42 of the largest asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, captured with ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, all on one poster!

The asteroids are incredibly varied with all different shapes, sizes and compositions, with this poster showcasing them and their orbits (not to scale). Some asteroids are elongated, such as Urania, some are spherical, such as Ceres. A few are as dense as a diamond, such as Kalliope, while others, such as Lutetia, have much smaller densities like that of coal. The detailed images of these 42 cosmic objects are a leap forward in exploring asteroids, contributing to answering the ultimate question of life, the Universe and everything.


ESO/M. Kornmesser/Vernazza et al./MISTRAL algorithm (ONERA/CNRS)

Note: The digital resources (images, videos, PDFs, etc.) for this product can be downloaded in the archive

Precio: € 3,00


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Dimensions29.7 cm (W) x 42 cm (H) x 0.01 cm (D)

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See the ESO Shop Catalogue.