
Call for Proposals for Period 93

3 de Septiembre de 2013

The Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes during Period 93 (1 April–30 September 2014) has been released. Please consult CfP 93 document for the main news and policies related to applying for time on ESO telescopes. All technical information about the offered instruments and facilities is contained on ESO web pages that are linked from the Call for Proposals.

NACO is offered on UT4 (pending successful instrument move between Nasmyth foci) in Period 93. HAWK-I will be temporarily removed from UT4, until it is needed for AOF -related activities, and is therefore not offered in Period 93.

ISAAC is being decommissioned during Period 92 in order to allow for the installation of the second-generation instrument, SPHERE.

The following PI instruments are offered on APEX in Period 93:

CHAMP+ (620–720 and 780–900 GHz) and FLASH (345 GHz and 460 GHz).

ESO reserves the right to allocate time in Delegated Visitor Mode (DVM) on the VLT/I instead of in regular Visitor Mode (VM). DVM observations are scheduled at specific times as if they were regular VM runs, but are executed by ESO staff in close contact with the PI or their delegate. This applies to any runs with a justified need for Visitor Mode observations and whose duration is smaller than one night; see Section 5.1.2 of the Call for Proposals for more information.

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ESO's Paranal Observatory: the VLT's Laser Guide Star and star trails
ESO's Paranal Observatory: the VLT's Laser Guide Star and star trails