EIROforum paper on science policy presentation

The presidential couple with Prof. Ruiz and Dr. Cesarsky

Visit of president Lagos - III

Turn-off stars A0228 and A2111 in NGC 6397

VISIR under the Cassegrain focus of the VLT/Melipal Telescope

VISIR mounted behind the 8.2m-mirror of Melipal

Separation of a very close double star

SIMBA image of the infrared source IRAS 17175-3544

Heavy metal stars

Optical counterpart of GRB 000131

Centre of the Crab Nebula in Taurus

Architect's model of the Paranal Complex

P/1997 T3: asteroid or comet?

Spectacular jet in comet Hale-Bopp

Adaptive optics image of comet Hale-Bopp

Hubble portrait of the "double planet" Pluto & Charon

New Technology Telescope on La Silla

Comisión de Desafíos del Futuro del Senado y la Ministra de Ciencias de Chile visitan Paranal

Comparación de NACO y ERIS del anillo interior de NGC 1097

Imagen de la pareja de estrellas más masiva que alberga planetas observada hasta la fecha (con anotaciones)

Ingenieros preparando la instalación de CONCERTO

La Silla backdrop

Portada del número 182 de The Messenger