The VST from above

Digitized Sky Survey image of the galaxy NGC 4945

Moving ALMA antennas to Atacama Compact Array pads on Chajnantor

Messier 55 (M55) globular cluster

ESO Headquarters

La más amplia vista con óptica adaptativa del cúmulo estelar abierto Trumpler 14

La galaxia Circinus y la posición de SN 1996cr

La estrella Iota Horologii

Las constelaciones Taurus y Horologium

A bowshock Nebula near the neutron star RXJ 18565-3754

A bowshock Nebula near the neutron star RXJ 18565-3754

Field in dwarf galaxy NGC 6822

Brightness decline of Nova in NGC 1316

Brightness decline of Nova in NGC 1316

Young brown dwarf in TWA-5 system

Stars and Nebulae in dwarf galaxy NGC 6822

First circumstellar disk around a massive star