The cepheid period-luminosity in the near-infrared

The Cepheid period-luminosity relations in the J- and K-bands, as obtained from the current VLT data on NGC 300. The mean magnitudes for each Cepheid were determined from two independent measurements of Cepheid brightness at different pulsation phases. The slopes of the best-fitting relations were adopted from the Large Magellanic Cloud Cepheids.



Sobre la imagen

Fecha de publicación:1 de Agosto de 2005
Noticias relacionadas:eso0524
Tamaño:2301 x 2967 px

Sobre el objeto

Nombre:NGC 300, Stars
Tipo:Local Universe : Star : Type : Variable
Distancia:6 millón años luz

Formatos de imagen

Tamaño original
223,5 KB
JPEG grande
105,2 KB