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Book: Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007

This book is the conference proceeding from the confererence Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007. The book is in full colour. Articles in this volume may be referenced in the following way: Name, First Initial (2008), Article title, In Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2007: Proceedings From the IAU/National Observatory of Athens/ESA/ESO Conference 8-11 October 2007, eds. L. L. Christensen, M. Zoulias & I. Robson pp. xxx-xxx, ESA/Hubble.

This Book is not available for sale.


Editors: Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/HUBBLE), Manolis Zoulias (Academy of Athens) & Ian Robson (UK ATC)

About the Book

Release date:7 December 2010, 15:31
Dimensions:16.7 cm (W) x 22.3 cm (H) x 3.1 cm (D)


Large JPEG
571.1 KB
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432.8 KB


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55.9 MB