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Globular cluster (fulldome artist's impression)
This is a fulldome (fish-eye) view showing an artist's impression of a globular cluster — a spherical collection of stars that orbits the centre of a galaxy. In this video, you are taken on a trip around the outside of such a globular cluster, of which there are over 150 in the Milky Way.
Note: for important advice regarding downloading and unzipping please read here.
Créditos:ESO/M.Kornmesser/L.Calçada. Background image: N. Risinger (
Sobre o vídeo
Id: | globularcluster |
Data de divulgação: | 20 de Novembro de 2014 às 12:10 |
Duração: | 37 s |
Frame rate: | 30 fps |
Sobre o objeto
Categoria: | Fulldome Star Clusters |