Abertura do Supernova do ESO — uma supernova sobre Munique

Primeira luz do instrumento ESPRESSO com os quatro Telescópios Principais do VLT

Imagem Hubble do enxame estelar globular NGC 3201 (anotada)

Q&A at the ESO press conference announcing the first discovery of a neutron star merger

Questions at the ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A at ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Q&A during ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Andrew Levan speaks during the ESO press conference announcing the first discovery of a neutron star merger

Elena Pian speaks during the ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Marina Rejkuba at the ESO press conference announcing the discovery of a neutron star merger

Stephen Smart at the ESO press conference announcing discovery of a neutron star merger

Samaya Nissanke at ESO neutron star merger press conference

Stephen Smartt at ESO press conference announcing neutron star merger

Director General speaks at ESO neutron star merger press conference

Professor Stephen Smartt speaks during ESO neutron merger press conference

ALMA looks to the night sky

Primeira luz no Observatório do Paranal para o sistema de estrela guia laser mais poderoso do mundo

O GALACSI na mesa de testes na Sede do ESO

Construção do telhado-estrela