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A precipitous panorama
A herd of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array radio telescopes gather on the horizon of this panorama from the Chajnantor Plateau in northern Chile. The 12-metre telescopes, though individually immense, are dwarfed by desert's mountainous peaks, visible to the upper right. The distinctive conical volcano Licancabur (see potw1240) can be seen in the far distance.
Créditos:D. Schreiner and S. Degezelle/ESO
Sobre a imagem
Id: | img_1381 |
Tipo: | Fotográfico |
Data de divulgação: | 15 de Outubro de 2015 às 10:02 |
Tamanho: | 21149 x 3366 px |
Sobre o objeto
Tipo: | Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Telescope |
Categoria: | ALMA |