Watch Stars Move Around our Galaxy’s Central Black Hole (ESOcast 248 Light)
To learn more about the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, scientists zoomed in towards our galaxy's centre with the help of ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer to watch how stars move around Sgr A*. This video summarises what they found.
Directed by: Herbert Zodet and Martin Wallner.
Editing: Herbert Zodet.
Web and technical support: Gurvan Bazin and Raquel Yumi Shida.
Written by: Juliet Hannay and Giulio Mazzolo.
Music: Stellardrone — Satellite.
Footage and photos: ESO, GRAVITY collaboration, L. Calçada, M. Kornmesser, Liam Young and B. Tafreshi (
Scientific consultants: Paola Amico and Mariya Lyubenova.
O filmie
Identyfikator: | eso2119a |
Data publikacji: | 14 grudnia 2021 16:00 |
Powiązane komunikaty: | eso2119 |
Czas trwania: | 01 m 35 s |
Frame rate: | 25 fps |
O obiekcie
Nazwa: | Sagittarius A* |
Typ: | Milky Way : Galaxy : Component : Central Black Hole |
Kategoria: | ESOcast Quasars and Black Holes |