The star 51 Pegasi in the constellation of Pegasus

This chart shows the large northern constellation of Pegasus (The Winged Horse). The unremarkable faint star 51 Pegasi, which is circled in red and can be dimly seen with the naked eye, is orbited by 51 Pegasi b, the first exoplanet ever discovered around a normal star.


ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope

O zdjęciu

Data publikacji:22 kwietnia 2015 12:00
Powiązane komunikaty:eso1517
Rozmiar:3338 x 3174 px

O obiekcie

Nazwa:51 Pegasi b
Typ:Unspecified : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation

Formaty zdjęć

Wielki JPEG
939,4 KB