Book: Awesome Universe exhibition catalogue (English)

This is the catalogue for "Awesome Universe — the Cosmos through the eyes of the European Southern Observatory" — a series of public exhibitions celebrating 50 years of Europe’s quest to explore the southern sky. It is presented internationally, in cooperation with ESO’s partners in Europe and around the world. Visitors to Awesome Universe exhibitions will discover these visually stunning images, showcasing celestial objects such as galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters as seen by ESO’s observatories, as well as beautiful images of the observatories themselves, which are located in some of the most unusual places on Earth.

To find out more about the Awesome Universe exhibitions, visit the Awesome Universe pages.



O zdjęciu

Typ:Wizja artysty
Data publikacji:19 października 2012 17:00
Powiązane ogłoszenia:ann12075
Rozmiar:2480 x 3507 px

O obiekcie


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13,5 MB
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