The Venus Transit 2004
... Photos (601 - 610)
On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive , photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day" .
All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.
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Venus at Second Contact [1822 x 1185 pix - 723k]
Castor Observatory 80/120mm refractor with Herschel-prism Webcamera June 8, 2004 Hungary | Venus at Third Contact [1768 x 1194 pix - 723k]
Castor Observatory 80/120mm refractor with Herschel-prism Webcamera June 8, 2004 Hungary |
The Venus Transit [591 x 591 pix - 1.7M]
Peter Zana 200/1390mm Newtonian telescope Philips ToUcam Pro June 8, 2004 Etyek, Hungary | Venus and the Bird [540 x 536 pix - 22k]
Nick King Konus 80mm short tube refractor Philips ToUcam Pro SC3 Astronomik 13nm H-alpha filter 10fps with AstroImager [Composite shot of 5 separate frames of the same bird flying across the face of the Sun] June 8, 2004 United Kingdom |
Venus Transit from Denmark and South Africa (1) [Animated GIF 508 x 364 pix - 156k]
Astronomy Group - Sønderborg and Pretoria Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa [Comparison of the parallax effect by means of (near-)simultaneous images observed from Denmark and from South Africa. Danish image was taken taken at 10:57:35 UT - South African at 10:57:27 UT] June 8, 2004 Sønderborg, Denmark, and Pretoria, South Africa
More information here. | Venus Transit from Denmark and South Africa (2) [184 x 177 pix - 54k]
Astronomy Group - Sønderborg and Pretoria Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa [Comparison of the parallax effect by means of (near-)simultaneous images observed from Denmark and from South Africa. Danish image (lower) was taken taken at 10:57:35 UT - South African image (upper) at 10:57:27 UT] June 8, 2004 Sønderborg, Denmark, and Pretoria, South Africa
More information here. |
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