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Where do elements in our body come from? | Chasing Starlight 3

You’ve probably heard that "We are made of star stuff". This phrase was coined by Carl Sagan 50 years ago and has since made it into pop-culture. But is that really true? And what does it mean? Let’s see what the Universe has to say about this...

In this “Chasing starlight” episode, you will discover where and how the elements in your body were born.

00:00 Introduction
01:15 The Big Bang: Hydrogen
02:17 A Star is Born
03:31 The Beginning of the End: Carbon and Oxygen
04:24 Making Stardust
06:12 Enriching Ending: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Calcium



Directed by: Martin Wallner, Luis Calçada, Martin Kornmesser
Hosted by: Suzanna Randall 
Written by: Claudia Sciarma, Jonas Enander, Bárbara Ferreira
Editing: Martin Kornmesser
Videography: Angelos Tsaousis
Footage and photos: ESO/M. Kornmesser, ESO/L. Calçada, Natural History Museum, fermilab ( Ted Johansson (Fellingsbro folkhögskola, Sweden), Cosmos: Ann Druyan, Carl Sagan, Steven Soter, ESO/Meingast et al.
Music: Johan B. Monell (, movetwo, Luis Calçada, videvo
Animations & Infographics:  Luis Calçada, Martin Kornmesser, Martin Wallner
Web and technical support: Gurvan Bazin and Raquel Yumi Shida
Scientific consultant: Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos, Paola Amico
Filming Locations: ESO Supernova (

Produced by ESO, the European Southern Observatory (

Over de video

Publicatiedatum:27 juli 2023 15:00
Duur:07 m 49 s
Frame rate:25 fps

Over het object

Type:Unspecified : Star
Categorie:Chasing Starlight

Ultra HD (info)



Video Podcast
119,6 MB

For Broadcasters