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Comet Hyakutake: ESO Images

Dust Jets (ESO NTT Image)



This page contains images and spectra of Comet Hyakutake, obtained at the ESO La Silla observatory. It will be updated whenever new images become available.

ESO Press Photos 25a-d/96 (19 March 1996): Rapid Changes in the Inner Coma of Comet Hyakutake . Access the four photos via the caption.
ESO Press Photo 24/96 (17 March 1996): The Near-nucleus Environment in Comet Hyakutake . ( [B/W,JPG,63k] ) with caption.
ESO Press Photo 23/96 (15 March 1996): The beautiful ion tail of Comet Hyakutake . Access the four versions of this image via the caption.
ESO Press Photo 22/96 (13 March 1996): Spectrum of Comet Hyakutake (3000-8000 A) ( [JPG,80k] ) with caption.
ESO Press Photo 19/96 (4 March 1996): Comet Hyakutake's Tail Structure (ESO Schmidt Telescope). ( [JPG, 256k] ) with caption.
ESO Press Photo 18/96 (4 March 1996): Comet Hyakutake's Spectrum Develops Normally . [JPG, 134k] with caption.
ESO Press Photo 17a+b/96 (2 March 1996): The Innermost Coma of Comet Hyakutake . 17a/96 [GIF, 31k] and 17b/96 [GIF, 25k] with caption.
A set of twenty plots with explanation. Information about the expected appearance of the dust tail in the interval March 20 - April 5, 1996.
ESO Press Photo 14/96 (21 February 1996): Comet Hyakutake Develops Two Tails . Available in two versions: [B/W, GIF, 264k] and [False Colour, GIF, 89k]. with caption.
ESO Press Release 06/96 (16 February 1996) : Comet Hyakutake to Approach the Earth in Late March 1996: Astronomers Prepare for a Rare Event.
ESO Press Photo 13/96 (16 February 1996): Asymmetries in the Coma of Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake) ( [13/96,GIF,184k] ) with caption.
ESO Press Photo 12/96 (11 February 1996): First Spectrum of Comet Hyakutake ( [GIF,66k] ) with caption.
ESO Press Photo 11/96 (11 February 1996): First images from La Silla of Comet Hyakutake ( [GIF,144k] ) with caption (updated on February 14).