ESO Science Outreach Network Expanded
30 juni 2011
ESO has extended its science outreach network by appointing national representatives for Albania, Cyprus, Greece and Ukraine, as well as for its newest member state, Brazil. As a result, the number of languages in which important parts of the ESO official website are available has increased to 18 [1].
Members of the ESO Science Outreach Network (ESON) act as ESO’s local media and outreach contacts with the general aim of promoting ESO's mission and demonstrating the many inspirational aspects of astronomy. They also serve as contacts between the media and scientists in their local area and can also be approached in connection with ESO’s projects and other science outreach initiatives.
Aside from being valuable ambassadors for ESO and astronomy in their countries, ESON representatives maintain ESO sites in the language spoken in their country. They translate important information about ESO and most of them also translate ESO press releases (into 18 different languages in total). The addition of new countries to the network will allow even more people to read about the latest astronomical discoveries and scientific advances in their native language.
Currently the ESO Science Outreach Network has representatives in 26 countries — the 15 ESO member states: Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom and 11 non-member states in addition: Chile (host nation), Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, and the USA.
ESO welcomes applications for ESON memberships from experienced astronomy communicators. Please contact the ESON Coordinator Olivier Hainaut if you are interested in collaborating on translating ESO web pages and press releases, as well as serving as a local contact for the media.
[1] The Portuguese part of the ESO website has been available since September 2009. Its content is now partially shared with the Brazilian pages.
- ESO mini-site for Albania
- ESO mini-site for Brazil
- ESO mini-site for Cyprus
- ESO mini-site for Greece
- ESO mini-site for Ukraine
- The ESON page with links to all ESON mini-sites
Olivier Hainaut
ESON coordinator, ESO ePOD
Tel: +49 89 3200 6752
Gustavo Rojas
ESON member, Brazil
Tel: +55 16 3351 9795
Heral Buneci
ESON member, Albania
Sotira Trifourki
ESON member, Cyprus
Tel: +44 776 8916088
Manolis Zoulias
ESON member, Greece
Tel: +30 210 6597511
Mobile: +30 6972 279626
Oleg Maliy
ESON member, Ukraine
Tel: +380 67 1371070
Lars Lindberg Christensen
Garching, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6761
Cell: +49 173 3872 621
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