Il prototipo del sistema di ottiche adattive del VLT

Sessione del concilio dell'ESO l'8 dicembre 1987

A group photo with a finalised M1 mirror segment

Height profiles of ESO observatories (with extra annotations)

ESO staff and Council members celebrate the 60th anniversary of the ESO-Chile agreement

ESO Council representatives next to the plaque commemorating the ELT time capsule

ESO Council representatives next to the ELT time capsule

ESO Council members and ESO staff stand next to the ELT time capsule plaque

The sealed ELT time capsule

Plaque commemorating the ELT time capsule

SKAO and ESO Directors General sign cooperation agreement

SKAO and ESO Directors General after signing a cooperation agreement

ESO and SKAO representatives at the signing ceremony

Location of ESO’s observatories in Chile (Spanish annotations)