Detail of N119 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Il VLT dell'ESO vince il premio per la tecnologia degli Stati Uniti

Il VLT dell'ESO vince il premio per la tecnologia degli Stati Uniti

Il primo ministro bavarese e la signora Karin Stoiber

Gas e polvere nella cometa Hale Bopp

Gas e polvere nella cometa Hale Bopp

Localización de las instalaciones de ESO en Antofagasta y proyecto INNA

Location of ESO's observatories and the INNA megaproject

Illustration of the highest-resolution detections ever made from the surface of Earth

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the birdest of them all?

The Large Integration Hall

ESO Director General and Chile's Minister for Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation

Voluntaries at the ceremony of the 60 years of ESO in Chile

Public at the 60 years of ESO in Chile ceremony

ESO Council President at the 60 years of ESO in Chile ceremony