Press Events
The page contains information about planned events of interest for the press, also in collaboration with other institutes or organisations.
For more information about ESO Press Conferences and Events, journalists are kindly invited to contact the ESO Department of Communication.
- 12 Maggio 2022: Media Advisory: Press conference at ESO on groundbreaking Milky Way results from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 26 Aprile 2018: Media Advisory: Press Conference to Mark Inauguration of ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 16 Febbraio 2018: "Astronautin" Press Conference. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 16 Ottobre 2017: Media Advisory: Press Conference at ESO HQ Announcing Unprecedented Discovery. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 26 Maggio 2017: Media Advisory: Extremely Large Telescope First Stone Ceremony. Cerro Armazones, Chile.
- 23 Settembre 2016: Media Advisory: Green Power Comes to La Silla. La Silla Observatory, Chile.
- 24 Agosto 2016: Media Advisory: Press Conference at ESO HQ. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 25 Aprile 2016: Media Advisory: Online ESO Press Conference about E-ELT Dome and Main Structure Contract. Garching bei Muenchen, Germany.
- 16 Aprile 2016: Media Advisory: First Light Event for VLT’s Four New Lasers. Paranal Observatory, Chile.
- 24 Febbraio 2015: Media Advisory: Groundbreaking Ceremony for the ESO Supernova. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 16 - 21 Giugno 2014: Media Advisory: Invitation to Attend E-ELT Mountain Blasting Event. Cerro Paranal, Chile.
- 26 Marzo 2014: Media Advisory: Press Conference in Brazil to Announce Discovery in Outer Solar System. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- 04 Dicembre 2013: Media Advisory: Invitation to ESO Headquarters Extension Inauguration. Garching bei Muenchen, Germany.
- 03 Dicembre 2013: Media Advisory: Press Conference to Announce New Planetarium and Exhibition Centre in Bavaria. Garching bei Muenchen, Germany.
- 28 Agosto 2013: Media advisory: Press Conference to Announce Major Result from Brazilian Astronomers. São Paulo, Brazil.
- 14 Marzo 2013: Príncipes herederos de Dinamarca se reúnen con la prensa en Paranal. Observatorio Paranal, Chile.
- 12 Marzo 2013: Media Advisory: Virtual Press Conference to Mark ALMA Inauguration. Chile.
- 16 Ottobre 2012: Media Advisory: Virtual Press Conference to Announce Major Exoplanet Discovery. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 3 - 7 Settembre 2012: Media Advisory: Invitation to ESO@50 Science Workshop. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 11 Giugno 2012: Media Advisory: Ceremony to Mark Laying of Foundation Stone of ESO Headquarters Extension. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 15 Ottobre 2011: Media Advisory: Visitors at ESO Headquarters to Build Full-size Replica of World’s Largest Planned Telescope Mirror. Garching bei München, Germany.
- 03 Ottobre 2011: Media Advisory: virtual press conference on start of ALMA operations. Garching, Germany.
- 12 Settembre 2011: Media Advisory: ESO to hold virtual press conference to discuss major HARPS exoplanet findings. Garching, Germany.
- 18 Novembre 2010: Media Advisory: ESO Holds Virtual Press Conference to Announce Unique New Planet. Garching, Germany.
- 19 Ottobre 2010: Media Advisory: Groundbreaking New Findings on Distant Universe to be Announced at ESO Online Press Conference. Garching, Germany.
- 05 Luglio 2010: Meeting of ESO DG and Minister about the E-ELT project. Santiago, Chile.
- 16 Aprile 2010: Press conference on E-ELT site selection. Santiago, Chile.
- 13 Aprile 2010: Press conference for retrograde exoplanets at the RAS National Astronomy Meeting (NAM2010). Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- 11 Dicembre 2009: Media Advisory: ESO to hold media teleconference on 11 December to present pioneering new survey telescope. Garching, Germany.
- 19 - 23 Ottobre 2009: ESO to hold media conference to discuss significant exoplanet finding. Porto, Portugal.
- 25 Maggio 2009: Media Advisory: press conference on the world's most efficient spectrograph. Paris Observatory, Paris, France.
- 21 Aprile 2009: ESO to announce major exoplanet finding and provide update on the European Extremely Large Telescope: JENAM 2009. University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
- 21 Aprile 2008: Austrian government announced its decition to join ESO. Vienna Observatory, Austria.
- 13 Ottobre 2007: Open House day: Lange Nacht der Wissenshaften. Garching, Germany.
- 05 Ottobre 2007: Presentation of the ALMA Antenna Transporters - Scheuerle. Pfedelbach, Germany.
- 02 Ottobre 2007: Art and Science - Painting exhibition and Round Table discussion. Garching, Germany.
- 4 - 10 Agosto 2007: Festival de l'Astronomie. Astronomy Festival for the general public. Haute Maurienne Vanoise, France.
- 01 Agosto 2007: Participation in the Europlanet press conference on Uranus' rings. Potsdam, Germany.
- 15 Gennaio 2007: Participation in the Astronet press conference. Poitiers, France.
- 5 - 10 Gennaio 2007: Participation in the AAS press conference. Seattle, USA.
- 30 Novembre 2006: Press Conference: European Extremely Large Telescope. Marseille, France.
- 15 Agosto 2006: XXVI General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. Prague, Czech Republic.
- 15 - 19 Luglio 2006: ESO/ESA Press Conference on Exoplanets, ESOF 2006. Munich, Germany.
- 15 Giugno 2006: Salon de la Re- cherche et de l’Innovation (AnnReport2006/page67). Paris, France.
- 15 Maggio 2006: SPIE conference (AnnReport2006/page67). Orlando, Florida, USA.
- 23 Febbraio 2006: AAS meeting (AnnReport2006/page66). Saint Louis, Missoury, USA.
- 13 Febbraio 2006: Occasion of the signing of the agreement aimed at bringing Spain into ESO. Madrid, Spain.
- 02 Febbraio 2006: AstroFest at Kensington Town Hall (AnnReport2006/page66). London, United Kingdom.
- 15 Luglio 2005: Deep Impact at ESO. Garching, Germany.
- 25 - 28 Agosto 2004: EUROSCIENCE Open Forum. Stockholm, Sweden.
- 01 Aprile 2004: Press Event: Very Large Telescope 5 Years (1999-2004). Garching, Germany.
- 21 Maggio 2003: EIROforum 2003, „Die Debatte um europäische Wissenschaftsstrategie“.
- 11 - 13 Novembre 2002: EIROforum 2002. Brussels, Belgium.
- 09 Settembre 2002: Celebratory Event and Press Conference: ESO 40 Years (1962 - 2002). Garching, Germany.
- 6 - 7 Marzo 2002: German Foreign Minister Visits Paranal Observatory. Paranal Observatory, Chile.
- 10 - 15 Settembre 2001: Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM 2001. Munich, Germany.
- 21 - 22 Maggio 2001: EIROforum 2001. Brussels, Belgium.
- 27 Giugno 2000: Portugal signs agreement to join ESO. ESO Garching, Germany.