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Numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b (synchronous rotation)

A numerical simulation of possible surface temperatures on Proxima b performed with the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique's Planetary Global Climate Model. Here it is hypothesised that the planet possesses an Earth-like atmosphere and that it is covered by an ocean (the dashed line is the frontier between the liquid and icy oceanic surface). Two models exist for the planet's rotation. Here the planet is in synchronous rotation (like the Moon around the Earth), and is seen as a distant observer would do during one full orbit. Another model is that it is trapped in a so-called 3:2 resonance (a natural frequency for the orbit).

Two additional papers about Proxima b's possibility for habitability are described at


M. Turbet/I. Ribas/ESO

About the Video

Release date:24 August 2016, 19:00
Related releases:eso1629
Duration:17 s
Frame rate:30 fps

About the Object

Name:Proxima b, Proxima Centauri
Type:Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System



Video Podcast
4.2 MB

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