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MICADO agreement signed

On 18 September 2015 ESO signed an agreement with a consortium of institutes across Europe, to design and construct the MICADO camera (Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations), one of the first-light instruments for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). MICADO will be the first dedicated imaging camera for the giant telescope and will take the power of adaptive optics to the next level.

This picture shows the participants in the signing ceremony (from left to right): Director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics Reinhard Genzel, Florian Kerber (Project Manager, ESO), Richard Davies (MPE, Principal Investigator), Suzanne Ramsay (Project Scientist, ESO), Eckhard Sturm (Project Manager, MPE), Roberto Tamai (E-ELT Programme Manager, ESO), Frank Eisenhauer (Senior Scientist, MPE), Josef Schubert (MICADO Systems Engineer, MPE), Natascha Foerster Schreiber (MICADO Science Team Member, MPE), ESO Director General Tim de Zeeuw, Linda Tacconi (Senior Scientist, MPE), Mark Casali (Armazones Instrumentation Programme Manager, ESO), Johannes Schimpelsberger (Contracts and Procurements Officer, ESO), Dieter Lutz (Senior Scientist, MPE) and Ralf Bender (MPE and Universitaets-Sternwarte der Ludwig-Maximillians-Universitaet, Muenchen, USM).


ESO/M. Zamani

About the Image

Release date:18 September 2015, 14:00
Related announcements:ann15068
Size:6944 x 2277 px

About the Object

Type:Unspecified : People : Other/General
People and Events

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Large JPEG
3.7 MB
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126.6 KB