Asteroid Hazard-96 (AH-96)
Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ITA), St.Petersburg (Russia), 15-19 July 1996.
First Announcement (extract)
The aim of the Conference is to discuss the contemporary state of investigations and to define the perspective areas in the problem of studying the Near-Earth Asteroids and Comets (NEO).
The topics are the following: 1.Information maintenance of the NEO study, 2.Dynamic and evolution theories of motion of NEO, 3.Ephemeris guidance (computation of the coordinates) of celestial bodies, 4.Organization of optical observations of NEO, 5.Radar observations of NEO, 6.Study of the physical features of NEO, 7.Study of traces of the collisions of NEO with the Earth, 8.Modeling of collisions, 9.Modeling of the consequences of the catastrophes.
On 22-28 September 1996 at Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk-70) the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - Institute for Technical Physics (RFNC-ITP) and State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P.Makeyev (SRC-CBM) organize International Conference `Space protection of the Earth-96' (SPE-96), which is the continuation of the International Conference `Asteroid Hazard-96'.
Further information is available from the LOC at Postal Address: Russian Federation, 191187, Saint Petersburg, Nab. Kutuzova, 10, ITA RAS. Phone: 7(812) 275-1015 - Chernyshev Vladimir V., secretary of the LOC, 275-1095 - Kiseleva Natalia K., secretary of the IIPAH session; Fax: 7(812) 272-7968, 275-1214; Teletype: 321150; Telex: 121578 ITA SU.