A unusual double star in the constellation of Lepus

This chart shows the location of the unusual double star system SS Leporis within the constellation of Lepus (The Hare). This map shows most of the stars visible to the unaided eye under good conditions and the star itself is marked within a red circle. This star is bright enough to be seen easily with the unaided eye on a clear night, not far from the familiar figure of Orion.


ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope

Über das Bild

Veröffentlichungsdatum:7. Dezember 2011 12:00
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen:eso1148
Größe:3338 x 3530 px

Über das Objekt

Name:Constellation Chart, Lepus Constellation, SS Lep
Typ:Milky Way : Star : Grouping : Binary
Unspecified : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation


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