Visit of president Lagos - I

The presidential couple with Prof. Ruiz and Dr. Cesarsky

Visit of president Lagos - III

Turn-off stars A0228 and A2111 in NGC 6397

VISIR under the Cassegrain focus of the VLT/Melipal Telescope

VISIR mounted behind the 8.2m-mirror of Melipal

The first Auxiliary Telescope on its way to the observing platform

Minister Fischer at the observing platform

Minister Fischer at the ANTU Control Console

Mechanical design of an IFU

Adaptive optics image of comet Hale-Bopp

Transneptunian object 1994 TG2

Shoemaker-Levy 9 headed for Jupiter

Comisión de Desafíos del Futuro del Senado y la Ministra de Ciencias de Chile visitan Paranal

Vue rapprochée des antennes d'ALMA

Image de la paire d'étoiles la plus massive observée à ce jour avec une planète en orbite (avec annotations)

CONCERTO hissé pour être mis en place

La Silla backdrop