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Science in School: Issue 30 now available

14 octobre 2014

The latest issue of the free magazine Science in School is now available online and in printed form. This European journal for science teachers offers inspiring articles, fun games and hands-on activities for students in every issue. It aims to promote science teaching by encouraging communication between teachers, scientists and everyone else involved in European science education.

Some of the highlights of this issue include: a chronicle of Earth’s journey through space and time, as seen from the Moon and how to get from methional to fried chicken.

Teaching activities include: a review of the ESO Astronomy Camp 2013, a project to investigate slime moulds, how to build a particle accelerator for your classroom and a demonstration how a hydrogen economy might work in practice.

Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight European intergovernmental scientific research organisations, of which ESO is a member. The journal addresses science teaching both across Europe and across disciplines: highlighting the best in teaching and cutting-edge research.

Numerous articles as well as their translated versions in many European languages can be found online. If you would like to volunteer to translate Science in School articles into your own language, for publication online, please see the guidelines on the Science in School website.



Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany

Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
Cell: +49 151 1537 3591

À propos de l'annonce



Cover of Science in School 30 — Autumn 2014
Cover of Science in School 30 — Autumn 2014