Testing general relativity with a supermassive black hole

ALMA and Hubble Space Telescope views of the distant dusty galaxy A2744_YD4

Artist's illustrations of planets in TRAPPIST-1 system and Solar System’s rocky planets

Signature of contract with SENER for the ELT's M2 and M3 mirror cells

The VLT’s new deformable secondary mirror

Julien Milli, first recipient of the Olivier Chesneau Prize

ALMA catching some rays

Viimeinen ALMA-antenni

The SPHERE instrument is lifted into the dome of ESO’s VLT Unit Telescope 3

VLT UT4 upgrade intervention

Bright meteor at Paranal during ESO UHD Expedition

Lähikuva asteroidi (25143) Itokawasta

ALMA Array Operations Site (AOS)

Chilean ambassador to Germany, Mr. Jorge O’Ryan Schütz, during his visit to ESO Garching