The ALMA Hotel Residence (artist’s impression)

First planet of extragalactic origin (artist’s impression)

A glimpse of the Moon (artist's impression)

The motions of the material around the white dwarf SDSS J1228+1040

ALMA Residencia: interior yard view, between dormitory buildings

Spectrum of the planet around HR 8799 (annotated)

Galaxy structure seven billion light-years away (artist’s impression)

Roadmap for GalileoMobile expedition

VLT Active Optics System

V960 Mon-tähti Yksisarvisen tähtdistössä

Kaasupilven kemiallisen koostumuksen tutkiminen

Front cover of Science in School 49

HII alue LHA 120-N 180B:n ympärillä Pöytävuoren tähdistössä

Cover of Messenger 174

Screenshot of ESOcast 167

ROSINA on Rosetta finds Freon-40 at Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko

2012 TC4 observed (annotated)

Artist's illustrations of planets in TRAPPIST-1 system and Solar System’s rocky planets

The cover of the 2014 ESO Calendar

Poster of Café & Kosmos 8 January 2013

Artist’s impression of an exoplanet in a retrograde orbit

Inside the ELT