Adaptive mirror unit for the E-ELT under test at AdOptica

Adaptive mirror unit for the E-ELT under test at AdOptica

Andrés Couve, ministro de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación de Chile

ELT seismic damping system

Künstlerische Darstellung des E-ELT-Hauptspiegels

Brochure: E-ELT science case

VLT site test Cerro Armazones

Grid connection to Paranal and Armazones

Artist’s impression of the Extremely Large Telescope deploying lasers for adaptive optics

Testing the ELT's fifth mirror (M5)

Mock-up of the E-ELT mirror (artist’s impression)

ELT 3D rendering

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Final review meeting of the study of the ELT instrument MICADO- 1.12.2009

Final review meeting of the study of the ELT instrument MICADO- 1.12.2009