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Comet Hyakutake: Local Information

Dust Jets (ESO NTT Image)


This page contains information about observations of Comet Hyakutake in Bavaria and other local news about this event.

ESO and the Munich Planetarium/Forum der Technik (Munich) has entered into a collaboration in order to provide a comprehensive information service to the media and the public in the course of Comet Hyakutake's approach to the Earth.

A special show at the Munich Planetarium.

Aufgrund des grossen Publikumsinteresses hat sich die Geschaeftsfuehrung entschlossen, die Hyakutake-Show zu verlaengern: diese Woche wie gehabt Mo, Mi, Do 18.30h, in der Woche nach Ostern am Mi und Do 18.30h (10.4., 11.4.)

ESO Video News Reel (for broadcasters) available on March 15.
Bayerische Volkssternwarte Muenchen e.V. plans special sessions. Try also the special Hyakutake Homepage (German).
Colour Images of Comet Hyakutake (March 28) by Juergen Wirth.
IOTA/ES Image of Comet Hyakutake (March 27).
Hyakutake Jets and Shells from Wendelstein. Amazing Images from the Observatory of the Munich University (March 25).
Hyakutake's head on March 25 by Peter Staettmayer (March 25).
Drawings and colour photo of Comet Hyakutake by Andreas Rodoschegg (March 24).
Comments by a Bavarian observer by Bernhard Deufel (March 25; in German).
A colour photo of Comet Hyakutake from Bavaria by Peter Staettmayer (March 22).
Newest photos of Comet Hyakutake from Bavaria by Peter Staettmayer (March 21).
First image of Comet Hyakutake from Bavaria by Peter Staettmayer (March 14).
Read the report by Th. Kraupe about his observations in the Munich area (March 14).