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First International Conference on Comet Hale-Bopp

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain - February 2-5, 1998

Note added on February 10, 1998: This meeting is now over and appears to have been a great success! The talks were at a high level and the interaction among the participants was intense. The organisation by the local hosts was excellent and - this was obvious at the closing session - much appreciated by all participants!

NOTE TO ALL AUTHORS: For the inclusion of the most recent results presented at the Hale-Bopp conference in Tenerife and of late papers into the conference proceedings the editors of this special issue of "Earth, Moon, and Planets" extend the deadline for paper submission as follows:

  • Contributed/poster papers and Abstracts: 13 February 1998; to be sent to: Richard West (ESO Garching)
  • Invited talks: 20 February 1998; to be sent to: Mike A'Hearn (Univ. Maryland, USA)

From this Webpage, you may obtain information about a four-day International Conference on Comet Hale-Bopp, to be held on the Canary Islands from February 2-5, 1998. This comet is the brightest object of its kind to appear since 1976 and after the introduction of modern observational techniques, including high quantum efficiency digital detectors.

It is the goal of this conference to sum up the results of the world-wide observations of comet Hale-Bopp and to provide a useful forum for an exchange of information among the involved scientists. It will also be interesting to compare it to some other objects of this class.

The conference will feature a series of invited papers, each providing an overview of the individual research areas and the state of interpretation, 10 months after the perihelion passage, and at a time when the main observational campaign is over. There will also be a significant number of contributed papers as well as comprehensive poster sessions.

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