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Comet Hale-Bopp Images by Eckhard Slawik (March 10, 1997)

The following series of colour photos was obtained by Eckhard Slawik (Engineer and Art Photographer) who lives on Lindenstrasse 15 in Waldenburg (Württemberg in Southern Germany). 

They are undoubtedly among the most impresssive so far obtained of this comet. Note in particular the wide-angle photo with the Milky Way in the background (no. 1)!

Three versions are available of each; a) a small-size for orientation, b) a normal size from which the full beauty can be enjoyed, and c) a high-resolution one for reproduction purposes.

These images are © Eckhard Slawik. They may be reproduced on the condition that the author is mentioned.

Image no. 1a (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 26k]

Comet Hale-Bopp and the Milky Way on 10.3.1997 at 03:42 - 04:08 UT; the sky field is 55 o x 55 o. Small-size version.

Image no. 1b (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 248k]

Same, but in normal version.

Image no. 1c (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 5.7Mb]

Same, but in high-resolution version (2931 x 3000 pixels).

Image no. 2a (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 24k]

Comet Hale-Bopp and the Milky Way on 10.3.1997 at 02:48 - 03:03 UT; the sky field is 12 o x 12 o. Small-size version.

Image no. 2b (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 216k]

Same, but in normal version.

Image no. 2c (March 10, 1997) [JPEG; 5.0Mb]

Same, but in high-resolution version (2855 x 3000 pixels).

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