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The dark side of the Earth

This animation shows the Moon passing between the Earth and Sun on a typical orbital cycle. The inclined orbit of the Moon means that a solar eclipse, let alone a total solar eclipse, does not happen every month.

When a solar eclipse does occur, the Moon blocks the Sun from the point-of-view of the Earth and casts its shadow on the surface of the Earth below. On 2 July 2019, a total solar eclipse will take place over South America. ESO's La Silla Observatory is situated within the path of totality..


ESO/L. Calçada, Space Engine.

Om videoen

Udgivelsesdato:4. juli 2018 16:00
Relaterede pressemeddelelser:eso1822
Relaterede meddelelser:ann18054
Spilletid:23 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Om objektet

Type:Early Universe : Sky Phenomenon : Eclipse : Solar : Total

Ultra HD (info)



Video podcast
3,0 MB

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